페이지 경로


Pacific Container Technology


Jul 2016

PCT M&A WITH DR Tech Co.,Ltd.

Jul 2016

Establish PCT

Jan 2014

Operate Indian Plant (Samsung Indian Inc as a cooperate company)

Jun 2012

Build coating/spindle Line(total 4 lines)

Jul 2010

Plan to commercialize high luminance spary

May 2010

Develop a next generation Key pad for remote control

Feb 2009

Produce sheet type Key-Pad for remote control

Jul 2009

Develop high luminance spary (Replace Plating/Evaporation)

Mar 2009

Succeed in domestically producing MLCC(Multi laser ceramic condencer)

Jul 2006

Build UV digital printing line and develop silver mirror coating

May 2006

Build Rubber injection molding line and printing line

May 2006

Build Rubber injection molding line and printing line

Feb 2006

Operate 18 injection machines, Build coating line

Feb 2006

Establish DR Tech Co.,Ltd.